Know Your Rug Style: Traditional, Contemporary, or Transitional

Rugs look like the most forgotten about pieces of any room. Most people wouldn't even consider the type of rug you have in your home. Most of the time, you'll not notice the type of rug you have until it's time to get a new rug for your home.

Before going deep into the 'rug game,' you need to look at various aspects of rugs across the board. This will give you an informed idea of what you need and what you should be looking to get. Here are the different rug styles that you need to look deep into.

rugs for living room


Types of Rugs and Where They're Most Useful

The transitional rug is an excellent choice if you're looking for an all-inclusive rug that will blend in with any setting and blend well with most furniture styles.

Traditional rugs look great in any room where you want to set a warm and comfortable tone. They complete the look of upholstered furniture or wood furniture with curved lines by adding patterns, formal symmetry, and textural details.

Contemporary rugs are for those who prefer current trends over classic styles. These durable designs work beautifully in rooms that feature ultra-modern or futuristic decor such as chrome, stainless steel, or mirrored glass pieces. Contemporary rugs also provide an appealing contrast to rustic or country-style rooms that feature natural materials like wood, stone, or bamboo flooring and furnishings.

Outdoor rugs are dramatically different from indoor area rugs because they must resist the elements, including rain, snow, and sun while maintaining softness underfoot. Suppose you have a covered patio or terrace area where outdoor activities like dining occur all year round. In that case, a durable outdoor rug is essential to protect against water damage and add warmth and visual appeal to your space.

buy rug for bedroom

Traditional Rugs

For an elegant and sophisticated feel, buy traditional rugs online. They are also great if you prefer a richly detailed and ornate aesthetic over something more subtle or minimalist. Traditional rugs are known for their intricate patterns and elaborate details.

These rugs are handwoven in various styles, including Persian Rugs, Oushak Rugs, Antique Rugs, and Oriental Rugs — each with unique design characteristics specific to its style. Made with durable materials such as wool and silk, and last longer if properly cared for.

Contemporary Rugs

When designing or decorating a room, it's always best to start with the floor and work your way up. One important aspect of decorating is ensuring your rug matches and complements the rest of the items in the room.

Modern and forward-thinking, contemporary rugs are clean-lined, geometric, and bold. The designs are modern, geometric, and abstract; colours are bright, bold, and often intense; patterns can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical; they can be made of wool, cotton, silk, or other fibres.

Contemporary styles include Geometric Shapes, Abstract Patterns, Solid Colors, Natural Fibers like jute, and Graphic Print. These are the simple options that you can look at regardless, as it is a great option to buy a rug for the bedroom.

Transitional Rugs

Transitional rugs are the perfect nonspecific flooring choice for any room. They ease the gap between classic and contemporary rug styles, making them easy to pair with various design styles.

Transitional rugs are less formal than classic rugs and a little more relaxed than contemporary ones. The duller shades of mixtures, like beige and brown that contrast with bright white and black, create more of an abstract look. They're a vibe-making mix between tradition and modernism that's perfect for an adventurous look. 

More neutral tones work well in all spaces, from traditional to contemporary rugs to transitional ones.

Transitional rugs are incredible for rooms where you don't want a rug, such as kids' rooms or playrooms. It can also act as an accent on the flooring but never defines the space itself, like dining areas. You can also use them as rugs for the living room due to their accent feel.

It's Time to Choose

Certain styles are timeless, and others will disappear within a few weeks or months of their inception. Once you know the right rug style, you will never be at a loss again when shopping for rugs, home decor, or gifts.

Getting the right choice comes when you know your rug style and all the different types of rugs that you can find all across the globe. Consider all the options above if you are to make the right choice. And if you are looking for something custom, below is an idea of how to get it.

Ideas to Create Your Style of Rugs

You've got decisions to make if you've decided that a hand-knotted rug is a way to go.

  • For inspiration, you can do a few things. First, visit a store and try out the rugs in person. Take photos of anything that strikes your fancy.
  • You can look for rugs online, but this may not give you an accurate picture since computer monitors don't all display colour the same way.
  • Ask friends or family if they have any recommendations for good rug stores in your area or online.

Finally, think about what colours are on your walls, the type of furniture you have and how it's arranged. If your space is decorated in a modern style and features neutral furniture pieces with clean lines, perhaps a contemporary rug would be best for you.

If there are more eclectic aspects to your home's decor (for example, if there are floral patterns on some throw pillows or curtains), consider going with a transitional style instead.

You can then check out various online videos that'll give you an idea of how you can make your rugs. These can be great DIY projects for when you have nothing else to do while at home. For some designs, you may need to get a fine-tuned sewing machine.


Before choosing any design for your home, rugs or otherwise, you need to know your style. Since there are countless rug styles across the globe, here are some great options that you can quickly go for. Knowing your style makes it easy to complement each décor at home.